Originally Posted by Chevette
Don't be so modest, Mr. Hix. We've seen your digs and your toys. Hahaha......
lol...well...said in innocent jest, I'm sure. Perception and reality are oft far apart. The truck didn't take 7+ years cause I could afford to pay someone to install/do the best of everything for me

I paid 3k for my truck in 2001. Along the way I did without a lot of things that would have been 'nice to have' - a firebird clip in lieu of a mustang II IFS, leaf springs instead of bags, a used 10 bolt instead of a 4 link rear with a posi 9". The truck is simply the best I could manage with my limited budget and skills... 1st vehicle I have ever painted - not becuase I wanted to spray in my 2 car garage, but because I couldn't afford 7K for someone else to do it.
The economy (government) claimed my job a while back - Were it not for my military retirement I would have already sold my truck to pay my bills. On the bright side - being unemployed gave me the time to finish it.