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Old 06-16-2012, 03:48 PM   #9
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Re: Are aftermarket fenders that bad in quality?

When I restored my 77 I bought everything through GM, fenders, doors, hood, bedsides, etc....

This was about 1998 or 99?? Was easy to get and actually cheaper than repairing what I had or any used stuff out there (when you figure material and labor).

I don't know if that stuff would still be available today, (haven't done a truck since) but for your 84 that is slightly newer it might be worth a shot. If not I'm certain NOS stuff is still out there. I don't care for the reproduction body panels, being a body/paint man for a living they always require finess (sometimes alot of work) for proper panel gaps.

Frankly, used stuff is going to have something wrong with it somewhere, to some extent, dents or rust or something. These old trucks were rarely pampered and taken care of. Might have better luck out West here finding something usable and then bite the bullet on shipping. Anything East of the Mississippi probably isn't worth looking at.
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