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Old 06-17-2012, 03:48 PM   #1
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Location: New Albany IN
Posts: 30
HEI Distributor Cap Replacement, no going so well

I'm new here and tried to search the forum for this answer but I can't find anything to help. I have a 1978 K10, 350, that has a 1983 Silverado Body on it. I've had it 2 weeks and yesterday started through all the traditional tune up steps. Plugs, Wires, Distributor cap/rotor, PVC value and such. The distributor cap and coil has 5 plug-in connectors (correct word?). 3 from the coil pretty much match up to the 3 slots in the cap and then those 3 wires fit in the molded plug. I could have messed those up but they seem to so clearly fit the new cap I think they're right. My concern is there are 2 other connectors that are at the end, further out of the 3 wire plug and I only have 1 wire left to connect to either connector. So which do I hookup to? I've tried both and the truck won't start. I've also left it off and it won't start either.

I've tripled checked the spark wire locations, firing order. Several times last night and today.
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