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Old 07-01-2012, 11:34 AM   #20
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Re: Hogging the parts boards

Actually we do have some of our Staff Members that patrol the classifieds frequently. We rely on them to report problems as they arise. With the volume of posts that the Classified Forums receive they move at a very rapid pace. It would require a full time Staff Member to keep up with the posts and members in there.

We have had good results with members reporting High Octane candidates, but that also creates additional work for staff. This means we have to research the reported users posts to see if they fit the profile, and make a decision if they are truly at the High Octane or just a very active Premium Member.

If its clear they fit the criteria for an upgrade, we send a PM. Most members (like you) agree, and are very obliging in allowing us to upgrade their subscription. Some members want to debate our decision and we have to correspond with them several times to ensure that we are not treating them unfairly and have reviewed their account adequately to make a decision.

The primary part of this process is the easy part. Getting Staff and Members to report the potential High Octane member is pretty simple. We only allow the last stages of the process to be completed by an Admin. Unless its clear cut, this often involves the research and input of more than one Admin to make a final decision.

As you can see, it requires a LOT of time to process, and no matter how many Staff Members we add, the final decision comes from an Admin. All that keeps us pretty busy, and takes away from our other duties here on the Forum.
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