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Old 07-09-2012, 11:05 AM   #13
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Re: Trans case question-rolling the dice

Originally Posted by Redcap View Post
I don't know who filled your head with the "small bearing is undesireable crap", but they are still plenty tough. Also, the NP203 is often mistaken for a NP205. The difference is the small three-bolt cover between the rear output and the rear cover of the front output. The NP203 doesn't have it. Also, good luck finding a 27 spline output shaft for a SM465.

Complete married trans-transfercase units aren't that'll likely have more into what you are trying to do rather than just buying the parts you actually want. This doesn't seem like a wise investment, what you are trying to do....

I bought my pair for $100, SM465/NP205...both in good shape.
Thats the impression I got from here:

Thats why I backed out of the deal. I'm starting to reconsider though. $300 for a "newly rebuilt" 205 doesn't sound bad to me, when I see ORD selling them for $850-900?
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