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Old 07-09-2012, 08:30 PM   #1
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Location: Milwaukee, WI
Posts: 200
Easy access to inside of heater box?

I'm looking to get into my heater box to clean it out. Temp control lever doesn't move easy, doesn't travel through the full temp range, and I'm getting a lot of heat with the temp control at almost full cool, mode lever set to off. The cable is hooked up to the door, and does move, but i don't believe it is moving full travel, I see no signs the cable is slipping in the clip that holds it to the lever for the door. I feel strongly I have a mouse nest inside my heater box. Truck spent quite a few years as a water truck on a tree farm, I have found countless mouse nests, droppings, radio ruined by mouse piss, and one dead mouse in the truck.

So, what is my best bet for getting inside the heater box? Take the whole AC box out from under the hood? That looks like a PItA, but if that is my only option, then so be it. Also, I have no desire to go hacking a whole in the heater box in the cab.

Truck is a 1990 crew cab with AC and a 454.


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