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Old 07-10-2012, 10:20 AM   #2
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Re: BED- transportation across USA??? clues- tips

Just a thought - can you have the bed disassembled and crated into one flat box for cheaper transport? I never disassembled one but I bet Randy on this forum would know how to do it. I know the front panel comes out easily, and of course the tailgate just pops off, and I think the wheel wells are bolted in, etc.
I used to work in shipping/receiving at different companies and I know we would ship/receive odd size items (e.g. machinery skidded up on large custom pallets) so I know it is not that unusual. Freight shipping is usually quoted by "weight and cube", meaning how much of a footprint it takes up in the truck and how much it weighs. I would think you could have it stood up on end and have a "forkliftable" custom pallet with open crate surround to protect it from damage. There are custom crating companies in Tucson we used to hire from time to time.
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