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Old 07-14-2012, 09:30 PM   #9
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Re: How to remove the Steering Gear Box?

I still haven't gotten the box removed... I've been looking at it every now and then trying to figure it out. The only thing left that is connected is the pitman arm and part of the rag joint (i think). It has that rubbery cardboard feel to it and a collar on it that takes a 12 mm socket which I thought was odd. I only have impact sockets available and that socket was too fat to fit down there. I tried a 1/4 inch drive socket, but the ratchet I have doesn't provide enough torque so I have to wait until I bring home my 3/8 drive socket set and try that out. Could that be what is holding it all on? Somehow it doesn't make sense that I would have to remove this collar...

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