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Old 10-04-2003, 10:24 AM   #12
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Join Date: Sep 2003
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I recently went through 3/4 of my entire system to get that darn light to turn off. It actually did go off for a short time prior to completing all the work I did, but the fact that it came back on showed some reliability that it actually does work.

My 71 first needed some fluid, light stayed on.
Replaced front pads, light still on.
Bled the front, light stayed on.
Pushed the button on prop valve, LIGHT WENT OFF.
Front brakes still sticking after 5 mins of driving, light back on. Replaced front hoses, light still on.
Bled entire system, light STILL on!
Replaced master cylinder, light still on.
Replaced booster...
Guess what, it is off and has not yet come back on!
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