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Old 07-19-2012, 02:55 PM   #1
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Posts: 42
Edelbrock acts like it is flooding?

I have a 71 chevy 350 auto with a 6 month old edelbrock 1406 carb. I am having a issue with idling when hot. I have to keep my foot on the accelatrator just to keep it running. It has ran fine up until this point. I noticed fuel dripping from the secondary shaft on the passengers side. I replaced my fuel pump. Cleaned my lines and cleaned my fuel filter it kind with the brass looking type filter. The carb acts like it is flooding. Once it dies you have to wait and let it cool off maybe 5 minutes and then keep the accelerator to the floor. Once your above 30mph it runs fine but below that it acts like it is flooding. So any advice would be appricated.
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