Thread: Why so slow?
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Old 07-22-2012, 07:25 AM   #9
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Re: Why so slow?

I didn't mean to come off as an ass. If you look at the trails I ride you'll only see my tire tracks in the soft dirt. No abuse, because I cant afford to fix it and because I want to be allowed to keep using the trails. I wasn't saying floor it, I was just saying it seems excessively slow to me. No, I dont speed, but I also dont crawl. I see guys go too slow then complain they get stuck, then guys go too fast and complain they broke something. I like to keep it in between.

DesertCat - I try my hardest to avoid mud and to avoid going past 2000rpm. I do respect the trails, I dont tear them up, I just go a little faster. Big difference between rolling fast and flooring it like you suggested.

71swb4x4 - 25mph? WAY too fast. I'd definitely break stuff going that fast. I never go over 5mph. And like larry said, he does about 2mph. I just like it a hair faster.

Larry - I didn't meant to criticize you, and you're probably right, the camera doesn't do it justice.

I think some guys dont fully get the physics of it and are afraid they'll break something going up a rock the size of a curb. Many guys dont know what their rig can take. I have 10 bolts on 31's. I see guys on 10 bolts with 37's abuse them 4x as much as me, so I know I'm safe, but I also dont take it for granted.
2004 Black GTO LS2/T56 too much to list

Miss having a truck
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