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Old 07-31-2012, 10:24 PM   #61
Daddy Brim
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Re: 1967 Only or 60-66 Carry Over?

Originally Posted by BMERDOC View Post
Here are some pics of mine. Because the passenger vent handle is correct I think the glass is correct. The driver's vent should be from a later truck. It probably got broke into at one time or something else went wrong. The ashtray is correct and I KNOW the cig. lighter is incorrect. It has the correct door pulls but I dont know if the window cranks are correct, they do match. When I too ka pic of the GB door I realized that the correct texture is on it it just does't have the Argent Silver trim. I had an error mesage for the email of my gate and seat so I'm gonna try and resend them. The bench is the correct base spring seat and the gate is a later one. A complete dead giveaway is that it has the Disc brake sticker on it.

The door pulls that came with my truck are different than yours, first two pics. The ones you have look like the re pops I bought, second two pics.
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I'm sorry I called you stupid. I thought you knew already.

67 C-20 Custom Camper
68 Nova 396 it does wheelies
2005 Buick Century the one the wife drives
1989 Toyota Tercel to drive when I can't put gas in the first 2.
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