I haven't cut down any of the u-bolts because I figured I might have problems with the threads in the top plates when I got the sway bar end links done. The passenger side went fine, but the last 1/4" of threads in the driver side marred up a new grade 8 bolt so I have to pull it apart and replace the driver side top plate (still need to find one) and after everything is done, I'll cut everything down!
As for the level of the bar, it's fine...I know what I am doing on suspension set-up (watched a youtube video once) and I got the bar right. Lowering the front of the bar is the ghetto way of getting it level, if you look at my end links, you'll see they are adjustable so if I have to adjust it, I can thread the rode end out to raise the rear up (same as lowering the front).
These are not disconnects, however...just adjustable end links. I don't need disconnects since this is a tow rig/mall crawler.
Posted via Mobile Device