My 1972 GMC was built in a very small garage that was built in the late 40's. Tiny, cold, drafty, wet, hot in summer, and dirty. When it would rain hard... I would sometimes get 1" to 2" of water in the garage in one corner. But I had recently got divorced and it was all I could afford. That was almost 8 years ago...
Fast forward to today, and I now have a 38' x 40' shop, and I have so much room... I don't know what to do. Maybe buy another project?

My girlfriend and I have been looking for a 1972 Nova for her. So...
...all I can say is that it's all how you use the space. My tiny garage I had was crammed full of tools, compressor, welder, and 3 dirtbikes. Space was very limited... but I made it work.