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Old 08-20-2012, 07:19 PM   #14
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Re: My 64 starting Blues

Originally Posted by chevy_mike View Post
Do you own a test light? If not, stop where you are at and get one. Start checking circuits to see if you are even getting power to them with the key on.
Definitely get a test light and start checking to see where you do and don't have power. Undoubtedly you will find the problem, and just like House (you know Hugh Laurie), you will have your epiphany, and angels will sing to a crescendo! Either that or you will be driving your truck.

Seriously check and see if you have any power at the fuse box. If you have power there start chasing wires until you find where you don't have power. If you don't have any power at the fuse box, then chase the problem back towards the battery.

Don't get frustrated, this is fun... really!

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