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Old 08-20-2012, 08:07 PM   #15
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Posts: 159
Re: 1962 GMC 4x4 Front Axle with disk brakes.

I agree with you in that I like the original closed knuckle axles. A lot of people don't. I see posts from time to time here where people are swapping them out, so keep an eye out and maybe you will come across one. Also, I think they may have been used in other trucks of that era, check eBay and craigslist as well.

I think you have a good idea as to how to fix up that scored knuckle. Even so, they are prone to leaks. Back in 2009, when I rebuilt mine, I packed all the associated bearings like conventional wheel bearings that you would find in a typical open knuckle. I don't put any oil in the knuckle, I just occasionally wet down the wiper seal. So far, so good. When I took the knuckle apart, the wheel bearings were very dry, and the knuckle bearings were destroyed from lack of lubrication. The grease won't run out like the oil. Something to think about when you get there. Good luck, and thanks for the pictures.
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