truck sat 10 years, prep before starting help
my '72 i got has a 402 big block in it.
it sat for around 10 years or so and at some point a bit of rain must have got into the carb( not much we live in Arizona the dryest place ever) and there was about a 1 inch hole in the valve cover, that was not long i dont know, the truck was coverd by tarps here and there then they blew off etc through the years.IDK.
i pulled the valve cover and it was pretty nice, light dust but nothing more no rust or anything.
well, i checked oil and its beautiful actually almost new no water or gas in it.the engine is not frozen.
i was thinking marvel mystery oil down the cylinders and let it sit? new carb(rebuilt) on it and clean the surface rust from inside the intake.
any other options/opinions advice would be cool.i dont want to ruin the engine.its the factory motor id like to keep it in there
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