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Old 08-21-2012, 09:27 AM   #17
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Re: My 64 starting Blues

Well, the good new is I managed to get it to crank. I decided to start simple and I just replaced the battery cable terminals as the other ones looked to be making contact, but seemed loose. Also checked that I had a good connection at harness plug next to MC as was suggested. So, that restored my power.
Bad news is I couldn't get it to turn over. I tried for a couple of minutes but my already weakened battery crapped out on me. Now, I need to recharge it or get a new one.
I'm anticipating more problems getting it started. I'm guessing the carb isn't tuned properly among other things. When I was looking at the truck prior to buying, the PO would already have it warmed up, so I never got to witness a cold start.
I appreciate all the input. Comparatively speaking, I'm certainly an amateur mechanic, but enjoy the learning curve nonetheless.
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