Thread: Paint Guns
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Old 08-23-2012, 08:49 PM   #12
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Re: Paint Guns

Originally Posted by hugger6933 View Post
I may not have that exact kit but many kits like it are availible under different names but similar pricing. I would like to see a 2.0 tip in one of those guns cause you really need it with the epoxies and high builds that we use to get this old iron looking good. I have had several of these and they even have the same stamping in the handle up by where your thuumb goes. I think you would be satisfied with this gun. And welcome to you from one Arkansan to another. We [me and my son] looked at the college up there for him in your town but he chose elsewhere.
For the price, I can just buy a 15 dollar tip and still feel satisfied (found them on the site).
And thank you. It's a great college, just expensive. I went to ASU instead due to scholarships. Still going actually.
Thank you very much for the advice. If your ever through, hit me up.
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