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Old 08-23-2012, 10:57 PM   #10
Darren MagooGardner
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Re: Need some A/C help

Originally Posted by alsriv2 View Post
That is what I was thinking as well. Liquids do not generally compress. Could very well be the freon in its liquid state is hitting the internals causing the compressor lock up and when some freon is released, there is enough expansion room available for the freon to change from a liquid to gas state before it gets to the pistons of the compressor.
This makes sense to me...but liquid or gas? how do you control this? If you put freon in on the low side it goes straight to the compressor. is it gas or liquid at that point?
I was wondering if the compressor was locking up...does this mean the compressor needs replaced? thanks..for all the feedback
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