Thread: Paint Guns
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Old 08-25-2012, 01:28 AM   #15
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Re: Paint Guns

Originally Posted by OutlawRider View Post
I like it. I've been eying the devilbiss kit with two guns and 3 tips. Not sure though.

I've even thought of buying two guns, one for Primer/BC and one for CC.

I may be getting in over my head with that though.
80 bucks does sound good.
What it the tip size?
And can you put primer,BC,CC all through it?
I think it has a 1.4 tip. I ran base coat and clear coat through it. For primer I bought a cheap 2.0 tip siphon gun from Harbor Freight, you will be sanding the primer anyway. The Harbor Freight gun was under $30 and for primer it worked pretty good and when you have problems with the gun they are so cheap you can toss it out and start with a fresh one. Make sure you have dry air, get a few disposable inline filters or water traps in series. Spray lots of primer, sand it off and your surfaces will be pretty flat. Wip it down with wax and grease remover. Spray some sealer, let it flash, mix the paint correctly an paint to your hearts con's fun. Whats the worse thing that can sand some more and fix it, not a big deal. It's really fun.
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