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Old 08-29-2012, 09:14 AM   #10
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Re: window seals dont "Seal" window on exterior, any ideas?

Originally Posted by camrycurt View Post
Hey GMCPaul,

For guys like me without welding skills, is it possible to add a screw to a 1970 door to fix this problem without welding? Do you have a pic of the metal strap we're looking for and where it joins the door skins?

My door is separated so clearly my strap has broken but I can't weld so I need to find a way to fix it some other way.

Thanks for the help!
I do not have a picture of the metal strip but I'll describe it from memory so measurements will not be exact.
its approx. 1/2" wide and runs straight down from the inside of door approx. a inch then makes a 90 degree bend towards the outside of the door and is then approx. 2-2 1/2" long then it bends upward at a 90 degree angle and attaches to the outside door skin.
This strap is located directly behind the division bar under the vent window and you can not miss seeing it if you remove the vent window and look down inside the door.
Without repairing the strap a screw would only be a temporary fix, I'll explain why temp. in a second. You could with the vent window out locate this strap and just above the bend on the strap where it heads towards the outside door skin mark on the door this location and drill a hole through inside of door then through the strap then thru the bend on opposite side. This would require a very long bit ( you might be able to drill these holes from the top opening by center punching a drilling through straps at a angle from above to make holes but it would be hard to make sure they align properly) after drilling holes you would then need a clip for screw to thread into installed on the outer downward angled portion of the strap aligned with the hole you drilled so you can tighten the screw properly. Now since the strap has not been repaired even if you now run a screw from the inside of door through the inner strap across top of strap and threaded into the clip for screw on outward strap nothing will prevent the strap from wanting to bend inward over time since its not being held apart by the continous strap.
Without a welder you could always try cutting something the same size as the original strap then use a body panel adhesive to afix the new strap to the old using the adhesive.
But if it were me without a welder I would either remove windows on door and drive to a welder for repair or if not running remove doors and take in for welding.
THEN add the screw. When adding the screw use a clip on outer downward flange of strap. Drill hole larger diameter screw, for finish at door you could just either use a beveled washer trim under the screw. They sell these at ACE, Lowes, and other misc. hardware stores.
Hope it helps!
Paul @ GMCPauls
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