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Old 08-29-2012, 04:21 PM   #33
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Re: Theft Deterrent?

Two things ive done to my past vehicles.
1.Ran a switch on the signal wire on the fuel pump. As long as that hidden switch is off, the car would start, but as soon as you go to give it gas it would die. Idk how well this would work for the carbs since it would use up the fuel in the bowl then die.
2.My favorite, i ran a wire from my distributor to my cabin light, typically the power wire. While the cab light was in the "off" position, my car wouldnt start. When the switch was place on "Door" the car would start.

Ive seen guys cut starter signal wires to make a push start. Ive seen them wire fuel pumps to switches. Or switches for the entire power system, while it was turned off, the vehicle got 0 power to anything. like there was no battery at all in the car
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