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Old 08-30-2012, 09:43 PM   #46
Roto Reuter thats the name...
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Re: Theft Deterrent?

Originally Posted by Rokcrln View Post
Just a thought but I recomend you do not do somthing that will not let it crank over. If it does not crank they will start looking for a reason. Make it Crank but not fire. Hook up a switch to your coil, fuel pump or other that way they will think it will just not fire up for some reason plus it makes noise this way. POS's don't like to make noise when they are stealing cars so it may help.

What I like is a making it run but only for a small amount of time (done with alarm systems) like 20 or 40sec that way it fires up and they pull away from your house as it dies in the middle of the street or intersection and they bail and leave it! You need to push a switch before starting it to delete this function. But since POS's are not that bright to begain with they think if it starts they are home free. Not the case with this set up.

LFD Inc.
Had a friend that did this with a '69 Roadrunner. He had a hidden switch for the electric fuel pump. The car was stolen and got just a little ways away and then basically ran out of gas. They then burned the car.
~ Dan
My 70 K10 SWB build:
My 71 SWB build:

1970 SWB Fleet K10 4X4, 5.3L LM7, 4L60E, Dakota Digital RTX, Vintage Air, Ididit tilt
1971 SWB Fleet C10 - Original SWB Arizona truck, new custom restoration project

"Kick out your motor and drive while you're still alive - kick it out!" - Heart 1977
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