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Old 09-15-2012, 09:47 AM   #10
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Exclamation Re: 67-72 Single Leaf Rear 4x4 w/ a BAG??

you are missing a very important point. Ready ... pay attention now ... the springs WILL NOT bear the weight of the truck or the load in the bed. The bags located on top of the axle and mounted to the frame above, will carry the weight of the load. Do you follow now?

The springs will simply act as 'locators' for the fore and aft position of the axle (as they do now). That will be their new job. The airbags that I will use will have a 3000 lb capacity EACH side. This takes the concern of "breaking a spring" out of the realm of possibility, especially since I am revising my design with a double spring initially. My prediction is that I will find that only a single leaf is needed to provide the smoothest ride in back.

Can you understand the concept of weight distribution now?

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