yes they were trying too match the interior with the exterior code thats why they couldnt figure it the time i didnt know either thats why I waited till i got more info now I'll be well armed with the facts.
I dont believe the card they had info on the back if I'm not mistaken it was the same as above but one sided thanks for the 43687 code that should help.
67c10rustbuket I was Inquireing about a 68 short fleet that was the 507 blue(great color) but I was a lil' slow on the draw.but thats ok cause this 7 is in much better shape and the great deal i got on it most would cry
81 camaro 355 4/spd 342 posi my first love

67 swb step 454/4spd ott 373 posi 4/7 drop.
2000 s10 zr2 little blue truck that never gets stuck.
'74 heald super bronc vt8. tecumseh powered moon rover.