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Old 09-25-2012, 09:48 PM   #1
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To pull the trans or not? That is the ?

Here I am going to show pics of a 69 chevy I bought a few weeks ago that the guy who installed the trans on obv. was a complete fool but that is ok I bought it as a project. I am going to post several pics and questions to follow with the ultimate question being should it be taken completly out or try to repair what is going on now... Ok so as of now it wont shift on the go unless you let off the gas put in netural and back to drive for all gears. It will click in reverse and drive(first) right away.

First what is this I am looking at here on the top right side towards the engine. Is it the Vent?

Second, This kickdown cable that goes to the carb looks to be chewed up! How do I get it out, I took the little bolt out of the plastic and the cable is down in the trans, Do I need to drop the pan to get it out??

Third, You see those parking brake cables stuffed tight as a fiddle string on top of the trans? I think those are supposed to be hanging under the trans not on top, am I correct here??

Fourth, Do you think from what you see here that the front seal is leaking?

Fifth, Check this dipstick tube, looks to be leaking like crazy?

Sixth, Other end of the kickdown cable

Seventh, Speedometer cable is supposed to go here buttttt, The cable from the stock speedo has a screw on adapter and this thing your looking at here has no threads to screw it on so what the hell am I missing lol???

Eighth, Shifter looks to be weaping can you tell?

Ninth, Rear seal, Think it needs to be replaced? Looks wet to me.

Tenth, Pics of the pan leaks!

Last but not least! This vacume? hose keeps coming unhooked so is that keeping it from shifting as well?? As pictured is how it was last time we tried to drive (unknowingly).
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