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Old 10-03-2012, 06:39 PM   #9
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Re: Advice on 454 build

IMO, buy the book "HOW TO HOT-ROD A BIG BLOCK CHEVY" by Bill Fisher. Lots of good easy to understand info. for about $15. There are a lot of options for your build and they cover most of them.
As for your .010 under crank, unless its scored really bad, you can either have it polished and if that doesn't clean it up, it would not be a bad option to turn it .020 under. Esp. if it's a steel crank. They're not easy to come by on the cheap.
I have a High Torque 502" crate motor (385 HP & about 520 lbs. torq.), 4 speed Muncie trans. and a 3.55 posi., in my 71 3/4 ton Chevy (Just under 5000 lbs, with me in it). And to say the least, I'm very impressed with the way it runs. Smooth idle @ 700 RPM, and tire smoking acceleration.
IMO, the BB Chevy is one of the best production engines ever, esp. to hot-rod. Not only are they very durable, but also have a huge amount of new and used after market parts available, at a comparably low price.
Good Luck, Ray
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