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Old 10-11-2012, 12:43 AM   #11
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Location: slc, ut
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Re: Help Determine Unknown Lift Size 77 K10

You have a 4" lift. I have had several trucks with both 4 and 6 of the same generation. If u want 36s then a 6" would be needed to clear and not rub much. I beat the crap out of mine and had 35" MTRs on it. The drivelines are only as strong as the weakest link. Usually they fail at the weakest link not because they are too weak overall. A 6" kit can come different ways but usually it has 6" front springs and 4" rear blocks with a 2" add a leaf. You would probably be able to figure put what size front springs u have by checking the label on them. Unless they are really old the label is probably still on them.

You can get away w 36s w a 4" but clearancing the front fenders will be necessary. The only time my 35s would rub was at max articulation and the wheel turned one way but not the other.

Hope that helps. Nice truck. They are pretty tuff. A rear locker will get u a long ways
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