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Old 10-16-2012, 09:08 PM   #22
Classic Bowties
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Re: WTB Auxillary Battery Box ....

Originally Posted by RaTcheTmasTer View Post
So I guess you are passing on my GM Very reasonably priced no rust excellent aux battery box for $85 plus $15 shipping?? That is a very reasonable price for one of these boxes. You have been around long enough to know that these often go for more.
So what is a reasonable price you seem to be seeking??
I finally clicked on this WTB thread after noticing and wondering why it has taken so long for the op to get one of these and I now have my answer. Ratchet you are offering up a very nice looking piece at an already discounted price and the op wants it for even less , we have been getting $125.-$150. for these aux. trays for years now. Mel
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