Re: WTB Auxillary Battery Box ....
Ratchetmaster, PM sent. Also responding here: I'll take it if still available at the 85.00 plus 15.00.
Classic Bowtie: You sir, should know better than to stick your nose into this Thread and stirr up trouble!! What you are doing is against Forum rules!! What purpose does your .02 cents of negatvity an trouble making serve? Are you a party to the SALE .... either the seller of an item or the originator of this Thread ??? NO ... you are not, and your destructive opinions and comments are not appreciated here!! INFLUENCING other responders on their selling PRICE to me ..... That takes some balls!! I don't care how long you've been on here, or if you sell these parts for a living .... follow Forum RULES and mind your own damn business!! Got it?!?!?
It is my right to buy from whom I see fit, and my right to wait for a member who has promised me pictures of an item since Octobr 8th. Foolishly I fell for continuous bull**** stories and PM excuses ... and this has brought me to decide to wait no longer .... but you know what Mel ... that's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ... you are NOT a party to this Thread or to this SALE!! You have no right sticking your nose into MY THREAD and disparraging me. Back off!! You know what you can do with your "crazy symbols" too ..... stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
Enjoy the ride.
Thank you.