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Old 10-18-2003, 09:38 PM   #7
Finish the'71..or bust!
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Nashville, TN.
Posts: 441
I too just put an Autozone caliper on the left side of my '71.

Great fit. Stops great too...w/new pads.

The caliper came with a little plastic bag that had new bushings/sleeves, new rubber 'O' rings, and a new copper washer for the brake line fitting.

I bought one at Pep Boys (pads too)...and of course they were totally WRONG. The caliper looked identical to the correct one...EXCEPT for where the brake hose attached. The wrong caliper had a round, completely recessed surface where the hose attached (for round-looking brake line fittings)...whereas it correct one was machined flat (w/2 little raised ears) to accept the square-ish looking brake line fitting. I did not realize the pads were wrong too...until I got back to working on the truck.

Pep Boys tried to convince me that my brake lines were wrong ....because they did not have the correct caliper part number in their computer! They could not explain why the pad would not work with the caliper though...... Where do they find such knowlegable counter guys these days????

I walked into Autozone, and without explaining the problem I encountered at Pep Boys, just asked them for a caliper and pads for my particular application....and minutes later I was walking out the door with the correct parts.
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