Re: New burb owner in town...
Originally Posted by WH0DAMAN
I saw your orange 72 on Craigslist. Nice truck!! If you want to stop by sometime @ my shop I can help you out finding an interior for the Suburban. I am working on my own 70 Suburban & will be installing a Denali or Escalade interior in it. I have switched out interiors a few times before & have an awesome source for it.
Congratulations on the new Suburban!!
Silver Creek Auto Body
Silverton Oregon
That's awesome! I would love to! The first thing I am trying to do is get my rear suspension figured out...its crazy bouncy and feels horrible. Then a few motor tweaks...then some exhaust...then hopefully I can get to the interior and some other things that need attention. I am just starting to do some research and figure out what I want to do on the inside...It is crazy how much stuff its going to take to do the whole interior. I think Im going to go grey...paint the top grey along with the grills etc...and then get some grey powdercoated wheels. Let me know if you come across any sweet gray seats! I'll talk to you later!
Aaron Anderson
*1971 GMC Burban - Daily
*1962 Nova