Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
When ever you can is cool. Thanks again!
I'd like to learn how to weld better than I do. I really want to learn how to tig weld. My Dad got a TIG last fall and I haven't tried it yet. I had a buddy who started messing with it who is a professional welder, but he quit coming around. Go figure. 

welders.... all a bunch of sheisters anyhow
TIG is nice. its clean and quiet i do stainless most of the time at work, so depending on the day my clothes are still clean when i get home!
Originally Posted by RatRod68
Engineering always facinates me. Anyone can dream up something, its engineering/fabrication of it that really makes it come to life. All of my tools are hand-me-downs  Whatever though, they get the job done!
Couldn't agree more. I am self taught on welding so far. Only thing I really know how to do is mig. Really like to learn how to weld Aluminum. If you guys were closer, I'd be over there asking you all to teach me all the time!
On another note, what engine is in the Corvette?
engineering is cool if its practical. one of the reasons i got out of engineering school was the lack of practical application. it was all postulation and theory. drove me nuts. i ended up in Industrial Technology. it was more hands on and suited me better. some of the best engineers ive met have no formal education in the field.
If you guys were closer i'd gladly give out some welding lessons/tips
his vette is a 12v cummins