Thread: U know
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Old 12-03-2012, 02:11 PM   #2
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Re: U know

Originally Posted by Andy4639 View Post
U know how you decide to do a little truck project and it turns into a long drawn out project.
That's what my front S/S brake line job is turning into. I started last week, put the front on jack stands and pulled both front wheels. Look at the brakes and say huh... what I have and what i ordered didn't match. So get on the phone to the guy and he says just ship them back and he would ship me new. OK great. My 71 has 72 calipors on it.
Ok today I decide and go ahead and take the lines loose. Well I broke my 7/16" tube wrench that I bought yesterday. Cheap o from O-reilly's. Had to use vise grips to break it loose. That was the drivers side passenger side was a little better I used a regular wrench on it and it broke loose.
So my question:
How hard is it to take the drivers side line loose form the tee and get it off the truck so I can get the fitting fixed. I guess it will need new line as well.
It looks like one clamp under the motor mount is holding it in place.
I don't know how things in SC are for rust but being brought up wrenching on MN cars I've dealt with my share of rusted brake line fittings.

If you plan to replace the hard brake line the best thing to do is CUT the hard line close enough to the fitting to get a 6-point socket on it. Then try with the socket. DON'T GET TOO CARRIED AWAY WITH IT AT THIS POINT! If it still won't come off get out a propane torch and heat it up. MOST of the time you can re-use the fitting if it is in good shape. The replacement line at the auto parts store doesn't always have the right fittings attached to it.

Since you are going through all this to fix that one fitting, if the replacement line doesn't have the correct fitting I have found a good selection of the correct fittings at NAPA.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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