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Old 12-16-2012, 01:27 PM   #6
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Re: 69-70 GM grill not repop ?

So, just for clarification - is a GM part that was not like the originals (but still made by GM) considered NOS? I'd have to say yes, and then that would mean that grilles like #2 are valid NOS - IF they were produced by GM (my 2 cents). But, it would be a giveaway that the the grille was replaced at some point. that's all. Not original design either - but yes, a valid NOS GM part.

As for the op note about classic parts claim, I'm still a little wary of the claim by an aftermarket mfgr of "these are not reproductions." Clearly they are, just very faithful ones. So, in my mind, being made with GM molds does not = NOS if they were produced last week by classic parts. In my mind, it's a repop of a later-year replacement part, a very exactly correct one, and that's a great thing, I am glad they are doing it. However, the statement "These are not reproductions. Ours are made in the original factory tooling and molds" contradicts itself. They are re-popping them, with original molds. But that makes it a very correct reproduciton, not NOS.

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. And personally, if I needed a 69-70 grille, I'd buy this one in a heartbeat, you probably won't find anything better from another vendor if classic has original gm molds. Fun to split hairs, isn't it?? Ha..

EDIT: btw, firstowner - i think the black paint removal you chose to do was a great idea. Requires a triple take now to spot the differences. Looks real nice.
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