Re: 72 Cheyenne Questions
I have a 1971 Cheyenne and mine was mostly factory. But No wood trim that only Came on the Super Cheyenne But GMC trucks some of there low end modals had the wood trim the Deluxe I don't think they mixed the Deluxe with the Cheyenne name.Thats like 1969 Z28 with the RS along with it or SS with RS trimming.they just did not do that sertan packages for. sertan Names
I have a Black on black on truck with all the chrome and rear slider and AC power steering power brakes and leaf spring and No wood bed.1971-72 it was a special Option to get the wood.Most people wanted Steel floors
Trust me If you have any time in there trucks like i do the wood bed is nice But a metal bed is just a little nicer.
One thing on a wood bed you have a lot of problem hold a ground for the rear tail lights and back up lights if you work that truck like i did in my 1965 3/4 ton 22 years in the scrap and salvage business.I own 9 of these trucks plus 2 3 door suburbans or better known as Carryall's.
So fare the only thing you need to look for is Cancer in the floor the cab and down by the rockers and on the bottom of the cab.In to days times you can build what ever truck you want from a GMC Deluxe to a Super Cheyenne..Most of the people that get these trucks alter them anyways.
trucks are not like Camaro's or Fastback mustang number matching trucks are not that big of deal yes the trucks are worth 5000 to 15,000 but they will never be up into the 50,000 just to many of them
there are not any real big ticket items that came on trucks that make them stand out.
now the 1957 Cameo with the fiber glass short bed Them are very hard to fine with the big window now them are worth 50,000 only because of the bed and big window.
There is only 5% of the people in here that will keep a truck totally stock from the factory.
You will want to put a alum intake a better carburetor and if you want gas mileage you will put a gear vender in or a 700R4.So for what ever the guy is selling the truck off to look out for the Cancer go look at it again buy your sell a creeper and roll under it to see if the floor is rusted out.I've bought over 21 of these trucks and i always look at the cancer first
I don't care about the options 200 hours of body work if your cab is in need of massive work bed you want a straight truck with as little cancer as possible.If you own your own body shop and like doing that kinda thing fine Plenty of guys in here Love doing body work.
But buy one that needs as little work as possible.Drive it for 1 year if you think your going to keep it drive it for 1 year don't change a thing.if you really like the truck after 1 year of putting over 37,000 on it then you will follow throw with your truck.
Most guys that get these trucks get them and never drove the truck tore it down started doing Mods on and they just got over there head.
To do mods on one of these trucks most of them will cost you 6000.00 for the beginning then the sky is the limit