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Old 01-20-2013, 01:09 PM   #5
Just here to tinker
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Re: Homemade bed cover plans

Here is my homemade unit. It is made from 5/8" underlay board, firring strips, foam padding and marine grade vinyl. In the end I used a thick piece of 1 1/2" aluminum angle iron across the center section of the top to keep it from sagging (not in the pics). It has been 2 1/2 years now and the top is still in great shape. Even in all the rain, the way I wrapped the foam and vinyl has protected the bare wood just fine. I think I spent a total of $90 to make it.

I used two 1" aluminum angle iron runs along the insides of the top of the bed for the top to slide in on. I just riveted them to the inner lip.
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