New Polished Stainless Rocker / Threashold Covers
Here is a nice set of New Brushed Stainless rocker / threashold covers to protect your newly painted rockers. They come with self-adheasing double stick tape on the backs. $40 shipped to you. Pics later tonight.
CORRECTION: These are brushed, not polished!
2018 Chevy Crew Cab
2006 Impala SS
1965 Plymouth Sport Fury
1970 Chevy Longhorn - Bucket Seats
- Shoulder Belts
- Front Tow Hooks
- Factory Air
- Factory Speedwarning, Tach & Vaccum
- Factory Tilt
- CST Package
- AM/FM Radio
- Bumper Guards
70 Longhorn CST Build
Adding an AM/FM Decal
Last edited by 70LonghornCST; 01-21-2013 at 11:50 AM.