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Old 01-31-2013, 08:31 AM   #30
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Re: Wrecked the chevy

I rebuild wrecks for a living and I lost a brother in a car wreck It is a whloe lot easier to replace that old sheermetal. Im sure right now while both of you are without your rides it is still a sore subject in more ways than one, but belive me when I say it is just old metal no matter how much you love your truck it can be fixed or replaced. The ones you love or even like a lot can't. Now back to the truck, if you would like to either send me some pics of the frame or post 'em up here I'll look at them and give an opinion on weather it would be cheaper/easier to replace or repair the frame under the truck now. Too bad your not close to me as my frame machaine is empty right now and I would have been glad to help a brother out as it were. Oh, two more thing glad your both ok, it still is a nice truck. Jim
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