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Old 01-31-2013, 07:41 PM   #25
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Wesley Chapel, FL
Posts: 16
Re: CANNOT STOP Oil LEak If I don't Know Where its Coming From...PLEASE Help!!


Ok, maybe this isnt the update or info that can help anyone but I thought I would post anyways to close this thread out. So I have been searching and searching without success trying many of the suggestions listed above. I needed the truck today to get some lumber and while running about 55mph on I75 the truck started smoking very heavily and then all of the sudden a loud slam, then another slam. I quickly pulled off the side of the road and it appears the motor is smoke. Coolant was everywhere, oil was everywhere. $110 15 mile tow home and she sits in the garage. This is where she will stay until we pull the motor and put in a brand new one. Not sure what I'm going to get yet but I'm tired of messing around with these old motors so I think I'll go with a new crate 350 with a warranty . I've seen some around 2-4k. So in my situation I have spent almost $3,000 chasing an oil leak and now the motor is toast. Lesson learned. Evaluate all possible options up front and if it is only a little more to do it right the first time it should be done right...even if you have to save and wait a bit longer to do it. At least in my opinion. ***Thanks everyone for all your help and opinions about my issue. This is a great website with great members!!! I will get photos of the new build in the next few months.
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