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Old 02-07-2013, 12:42 AM   #20
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Re: I need a little schooling on manual transmissions

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
I seem to remember when anything with 4.11s could get you into trouble..

70c10 - you just keep on drivin slow, I haven't heard a 16 y/o say anything that responsible in years... Good on ya.

Having said that, however - I agree, 5or6speed + 500hp = not on a budget
The 4.11 is interesting in the rain with the th400 lol And thanks sir.

Originally Posted by Hezie View Post
Also take a look at the Richmond 6 speed I love my 5 speed but it's not a true od like a 6.
I'll check that out

Originally Posted by Billett View Post
Because saying it and doing it are two different things, trust me. One day you'll get the itch to put the pedal down and I honestly hope you don't hurt yourself with that much power. I had plenty of practice driving vehicles before I got on the road also, but things happen. If you didn't want to go fast you wouldn't have 500 horses, you'd have a camry. I won't bring up your age anymore, but in regards to the original post a t-56 or tko is your best option if you want the cheapest 5 or 6 speed. If all you really wanted was the manual, then why not go for a 4 speed? They are everywhere and are much cheaper.
It may get a little abuse, on the back roads where I live. Simply because, there is no one around that I can hurt. And the little abuse it gets, is a little pull here and there. With 4 wheel drum brakes and stock suspension its nothing fast. And I have the truck due to tradition. Passed down to me. Was originally my grandmothers. Its always had a built motor. When she and then when dad had it, the truck had a 4 speed muncie. Are those strong enough? When dad started playing with big blocks, he swapped over to the th400. They have the same final gear, I believe? I was hoping for a little better final drive, but I typically drive back roads anyways so it doesn't really matter all to much. Could always throw in a different rear end I guess to make up the difference. Would be cool to have one in it, for the idea of thats what dad and my grandmother had in it.

Also, was originally 3 on the tree v8 truck.
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