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Old 02-09-2013, 10:30 AM   #8
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Re: truck begins to backfire over 3000rpm?

Questions again: (these are so others can maybe make a suggestion)

You didn't anwer my first one- Does it pop at all while driving and staying below 3K?

Has it always had this problem or only after you installed the upgrades?

Does the edlebrock msd module require exact 12vdc?
If it does, make sure you're not using the original resistor wire. It needs a new wire installed from the bulkhead on the firewall.

Do you have access to an HEI distributor for test purposes?
This would be a quick way to determine if it's ignition or not.
68 GMC 250/3 speed Saginaw p/b p/s
69 Chevy 350/350 currently in pieces still lookin for a cab
06 Trailblazer
I just want a vehicle that I can work on, that won't talk to me, leave error msgs or keep track of how I drive...
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