Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck
Does the bowtie light up with the cluster?
Inner Tins without tach are solid in the middle and therefore do not light up that circle. However, If you drill 1/8" holes that are spaced out by 1/8" all along the edge of the "tach area" it will allow light to illuminate the center ring from the two light bulb on either side of that area. It actually looks kinda cool IMO when you have some sort of design or photo or something there and illuminated.
I wanted to put fuel in the center, tach on the far left and speedo on the far right and then fill the bottom slots with volt, oil, engine temp and tranny temp. However, not being willing to spend $750 that could potentially be spent elsewhere......ha-ha-ha-
I think you should stencil the slogan "CHEVY RUNS DEEP" underneathe the bowtie.