Re: Color Preference
Dark Olive Poly. You picked two of my favorites. 514 red is always nice too, but I have to admit, it's a little overdone (still one of my favorites). If starting from scratch and doing a complete color change, I think the dark olive is a perfect choice. Their interiors are beautiful. It is also a little more "subtle" dare I say than the orange. You can't go wrong either way, but I vote dark olive.
Are you planning a solid color only? White tops and deluxe two tones are pretty common on re-do's. What about a less common 2-tone? Perhaps med olive top/dark olive body, or med olive top/light yellow body (have never seen this on a 1/2 ton shorty, only on C20s and some Longhorns.... When they are done well, makes for a very nice, unique combo.
Last edited by jocko; 02-10-2013 at 03:02 PM.