Thread: 70 c10 six stud
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Old 02-17-2013, 02:10 PM   #2
68 Longbed Dan
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Re: 70 c10 six stud

Hey there Mad! Welcome from one new member to another! I am sure you could find kits to convert your front drums to discs and keep the six lug. For my 68 I took the front crossmember and rear axle from an 80's diesel chevy to convert everything to 5 lug and get disc brakes/power streering from the use of a hydro booster.

As far as lowering? It's very very easy and you have a few options. Some people cut coils off of their springs but it alters the ride and I wouldn't recommend it. LMC or Early Classic Industries sells lowering springs for a decent price, or you could get a set of drop spindles for the front again from either of these companies. Depends on your current budget really.
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