Re: rearended - the insurance what to total it
I would say that the first offer is one to refuse Nicely. Most of the time I see people telling the adjusters what they are gonna have to do or better yet getting a lawyer right out of the box. Nobody likes that except maybe the lawyers. Would you want someone coming to your shop telling you what your gonna do for him? no most people don't like being told what to do, that is one reason we grew up. For the most part from my experiances if given the proper chances the adjuster will give what is fair ...on the second offer. Now with that being said if there is any way you can measure you bed mounting points in a "x" fashon like I have described on here many many times to determine how much the frame is pushed in or short on one side. Also measure the wheelbase [between the center of the axles to the center of the axles] on the front to see if those numbers are close [they need to be within a 1/2inch on the wheelbase]. I know that may seem like a lot of extra room on the wb but some of the trucks from the factory may be that far off. Take those two measurements to help you better decide if the truck is more or less worth the effort to save if you are not to emotionally attached to it. If those frame numbers are good that is huge as far as not having to spent big bucks with the frame man and the frame machine downtime during the build that can really add up and not to mention get next to the wallet. Jim