Thread: Tip for the day
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Old 02-22-2013, 12:56 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Tip for the day

I have been using phosphoric acid from Home Depot (may be available many other places) for years as a prep for paint, rust removal, and general cleaning of mildly rusted nuts, bolts, etc.

It was priced as cheap as 15.00 a gallon in our area (Louisville) but I see it has gone up online to 27 and change. (Ouch)

It is the active ingredient in CLR and Naval Jelly that alot of guys use on their patina'ed rides.

It is a very similar product to the old Metal Etch.

It is very concentrated. Diluting the product up to 50 percent leaves a good workable concentrate.

I use a red ScotchBrite pad,(rubber gloves)(good ventilation) plastic container and apply liberally (working in the shade). Rub in, wait, reapply and rinse with water, towel dry. Works beautifully. More rust means more applications. Leaves a rust free, clean, phosphate covered surface ready to primer or paint.

This is nothing new for all the old heads on this board, but might be useful to alot of the new members.
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