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Old 02-24-2013, 10:05 PM   #1
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Posts: 8
Rear air shock psi. with leaf springs 71 C20

So, today I loaded my truck up with some busted up concrete and noticed it squating pretty good. Looked under it to see if anything was abnormal looking and saw that I had air shocks in the rear. News to me. I was more worried about it running good and not leaving me stranded when I bought it. So I spent most of my time and money on the engine and tranny. Does anyone know what the proper psi is or if this is an aftermarket shock addition? The truck runs great but I rarely drive the truck due to gas prices. When I do, I make it work harded than a Grand Canyon Mule. So does anyone know the psi recommendations for the loaded and unloaded weights. Is usually unloaded but when I do use it, it LOADED.
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