Thread: What do i need?
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Old 03-08-2013, 10:22 PM   #14
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Re: What do i need?

Fisrt off for the first timer I would recommend a bc/cc system for painting your truck. Two main reasons for this is one is you said in your last post you kinda wanted to do a bc/cc paint job, the second main reson and it is usally reason number one, the bc/cc type paint is more forgiving by nature all the way upuntill the last two passes around the truck in the clear coat stagesand by then you should be comfortable enough with the gun and can control it enough to make the last couple of passes without too much drama. now when I say it is forgiving I mean like the other day I was painting[ blending] on a Saturn vue and the paint for some reason had fish eyes on the fender. I had used WGR on this fender and it was cleanbut after the first pass several eyeballs,no panic I let it flash and blew another coat less problem by the last coat the paint was slick as glass. You don't have that luxury with a single stage. Also with a ss if you do get into trouble really bad and do have to stop your talking hours for the paint to dry enough to sand the trouble away whereas with the base coat type it is only a matter of a few minuites before your sanding your troubles away.
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